What’s a music-loving kid to do? Dan Zanes, the Grammy-winning, crazy-haired impressario of such hits as “Catch That Train” and “Let’s Shake” (and who routinely pairs up with grown-up faves like Sharon Jones and Natalie Merchant) is coming to the Old Town School of Folk Music on Saturday morning, October 15.
Yay. Hallejulah! Let’s get our tickets and dance!
But wait!
Justin Roberts, the sweet-faced, Grammy-nominated purveyor of thoughtful, original “kindie rock,” (and who, let’s face it, wins with tween girls just ’cause his name is Justin), is also coming to the Chicago area on Saturday morning. He’s performing at the McAninch Arts Center at College of DuPage just one hour before Zanes’ show.
So where is a kid (and a parent hungry for a concert of music THEY can enjoy) going to go?
Dan and Justin need to get together and write a song called “Bifurcating Audiences.” Except for kids might think that was something gross.
Meanwhile, head to the northside of Chicago or head to the north suburbs, and catch what is bound to be a rockin’ good time.