It’s been five months since baby #3 came into the world. We’ve had our good moments (big brothers fawning and cooing over baby sister), bad (evening meltdowns, sometimes Mommy included), and ugly (how many days have I been wearing this shirt again?).
When people ask how it’s going or what it’s like, I usually gush about how magical it is to have a newborn again. And it is. I know by now how quickly this baby stage goes, that by the time you’re caught up on sleep and ready to enjoy it, it’s gone. So every bleary-eyed morning, I remind myself to enjoy every moment, every wide-eyed stare, every raspberry blown, every infant-sized, breathy sigh.
But let’s be honest. This three-kid thing is no walk in the park. It’s simple math; we’re outnumbered.I can see why three seems to be the magic number that gets city folks running for the hills (Vernon, Clarendon, and the like). At least in the ‘burbs there’s more space in the house for Mom to hide the kids to play.
But something tells me that suburbia doesn’t cure sibling rivalry and the logistical hiccups that come with having three in tow. So what does? What soothes the savage beast of jealousy in a youngest child-turned-middle child? What reminds you that your oldest is still a kid and needs attention and yet needs his own space and time to be alone? And what about dinner – how does that manage to get taken care of every day? (That last one’s a doozy.)
So if you’re a parent of three or more, I’m soliciting any advice you might have for easing the transition from two to three, keeping your older children entertained, loved, and happy (and fed), and raising a big family in the city. Share your stories, tips and tricks; I’m all ears. Now if you’ll excuse me, I hear evidence of a friendly game of Candyland gone awry.