I have become a germaphobe. Kind of. I wasn’t one. EVER. Until about two years ago when I was sick October, November, December, January AND February and so were my kids. It went like this: I am sick. Zachary is sick. Alexa is sick. I am sick. Zachary is sick. Alexa is sick. Somehow my husband dodged the entire thing! It was horrible for us.
Last winter I vowed I wouldn’t have a repeat of 2007-2008. I did everything to prevent the sick: rested, drank fluids, washed my hands, sanitized. Did the same for the kids. But, I think my mere existence brought me down the sick road-this time it wasn’t just sick, it was walking pneumonia. I wasn’t feeling well for weeks. I thought I was imagining things (based on my previous year). I went to the doctor. She said it was a virus and that eventually I would feel better. Three weeks later I still felt off. And then finally the diagnosis. I went to a work meeting directly afterwards and then got into bed. Maybe that’s the problem. I never sit still! Anyway, that was brutal-taking care of kids, working, walking pneumonia. I didn’t know whether I should laugh or cry. And, I finally beat it after three rounds of antibiotics and one round of steroids.
So, here we are, 2009-2010. And, I want to ask “HOW DO I/WE STAY HEALTHY?!” And, even now as I wash my hands like I have OCD and wipe everything down I am battling a sore throat. So, what’s the deal? Is it because I have kids? Is it because I have a bad immune system? Is it because I am spread too thin? Is it because I don’t get nine hours of sleep a night? (I hear my “daddy doctor” saying “rest, rest, rest”) Is it because I have bad luck? I’m not sure. But, I am going to try again this year. I am battling the sick. I got a regular flu shot. I bought Purell and lots of it. I have decided to get the H1N1 vaccine for my children and myself. But, I am not sure what else I can do. I would love to hear from you!