Shift your focus this year. Don’t let this be a pressure-filled holiday. Valentine’s Day can just be an opportunity to share your deepest feelings; the ones that rarely get spoken in the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Acknowledge all your loved ones – significant other, children, parents, extended family, and friends. Thank them for being part of your world.
Use the occasion to give rather than get and make it about feelings rather than stuff. We blame Hallmark and the media for making this holiday “too overwhelming”, but we have to take responsibility for our role, too. Why do we buy into it? Why do we lose the meaning?
Share your feelings in person, through phone calls, or use email.
Wear red. Smile a lot.
Give each of your kids a big hug and kiss and tell them they are important and special.
Recognize that for all the negative things in the world, there is a lot more love.
It feels good to share your heart. And it feels good to keep it simple.