This week, Chicago Parent is talking technology, so the guys at White Dad Problems discuss the media devices that have replaced them as caregivers and role models. Science!
WDP15: Better Living with Technology by ChicagoParent
Technology is everywhere, and the Rise of the Robots is really just a few beep boops away. This week, Todd, Matt, and D.M. (Chicago’s Greatest and Wisest and Handsomest Dads Ever©) tell us all about the media that keeps their kids stimulated or anesthetized, depending on the need.
Matt’s baby daughter is swiping murals, hoping they are touch screens. D.M. is trying to keep his twins away from media a little longer, but forsees a day when he’ll give up on technological advancement like his 8-track loving grandparents. Todd’s kids grew up in the era of a constant influx of Baby Einstein, and while they seem to not be sociopaths, he fears he may have dashed their hopes of leading a Mars mission, or inventing a cure for stage fright.
Meanwhile, Baby Viva uses Siri, and Todd can’t even have a bio break without his phone. D.M. flashes us forward to the next wave of technology, where dreams become real and sandwiches appear out of nowhere. Hooray for the future!
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