Some people watch the Super Bowl for the sport of it; others tune in for the commercials. However, most of the nation’s population usually gathers around the food table in hopes of finding some delicious munchies. My family loves the Super Bowl and we always plan a get-together to celebrate the end of our fantasy football league.
In the week leading up to it, we discuss what kind of food will make its debut and this year is no exception. We’ve done fill-a-pita pocket (yummy meats and fillings in crockpots!) and slider sammies (fried chicken, beef, and cold cuts). This year, we’ll be tackling a hot dog bar and chips & dips. I’ve collected a few ideas and some suggestions for what I think will make your Super Bowl feast a touchdown.
A twist on buffalo chicken tenders, these buffalo chicken taquitos are easy to make and tasty. If you’re looking for something quick, why not try one of these four-ingredient recipes? Grilled ribs and a Chinese taquito sound like bits of heaven. If you’re looking to be a bit more adventurous, check out this list of Super Bowl treats, including desserts, that look like footballs!
Here are some I’ve tried with success – chicken enchilada chicken that could not be any easier, you just need a crockpot, tortillas, and go! I also really thought these pepperoni rolls were very easy to make, fed a big crowd easily, and provided a different take on the traditional pizza. These string cheese bites are perfect for the littlest gamers in the house and are much more eater-friendly.
One pin that I plan to spend a lot of time with this weekend has to be Delicious Dips: A collection of the best dips on Pinterest. These are some of the most mouth-watering dips “known to man” as one pinned puts it. I’ve made the pizza dip on that list – a definite crowd pleaser. This weekend, I’ll probably plan on busting out the cheddar bacon dip, the bacon double cheeseburger dip (do you see a pattern here?), or the mini seven-layer dip in mason jars. I think they all look pretty fabulous!
For added fun for the kids (or your guests), check out these fun printables to make the game even more fun: Printable 1 or Printable 2.
What makes it onto your Super Bowl table every year? Tag us from our Pinterest page.