We asked for the strangest gift you ever received for your baby. Here's what you said:"A fur coat. I returned it and got my baby some nice clothes."
-Suzy Ullman
“When my youngest sister found out I was pregnant and the gender was a girl, she decided to buy my soon-to-be daughter a BABY WIG!!! Yes, people a WIG.”
-Armina Gonzalez
“A pacifier that looks like buck teeth. It’s pretty funny to see this little baby with big buck teeth!”
-Gabriele Shilkaitis
“A law book. I asked for good reading material and this is what I got. I guess there are high expectations for my daughter.”
-Machelle Anderson
“A doll made out of dried corn leaves and the hair was made out of the corn hair itself. The person told me that it’s like a good luck charm doll for great health.”
Amadelia Hernandez
"Two handmade baby bibs made out of kitchen towels with teapots all over-for a boy!" -Nicole Sullivan