Homebound this spring break? Forget cabin fever. Catch a little SPRING fever instead. Fling into spring by trying something new.
Staying home this year for spring break? Add some fun to your week by trying something new.
1 Dive into spring
Go on an underwater adventure at Chicago Scuba School.
Newcomers get the chance to learn about scuba diving in a 90-minute
discovery class. Ages 8 and up.
2 Spring in the air
Sign up for a trapeze lesson at the Trapeze School NewYork located at the Broadway Armory Park in Chicago’s Edgewood
neighborhood. Ages 6 and up.
3 Sing, spring
Get a backstage pass and your big moment up on the famous Chicago Theater stage.
The historic Chicago Theatre offers a weekly Marquee Tour. Tuesdays
and Thursdays at noon, Saturdays at 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
4 Forget the spring pan!
The icing on the cake is not having to bake! Leave the baking tothe folks at Give Me SomeSugar and learn how to decorate like a pro without all the
mess. The Roscoe Village cake decorating studio is offering a
Barbie doll cake decorating class March 10 and 24. Tell them Donna
Bozzo sent you and get $10 off.
5 Spring showers
Check out the only natural waterfall in Chicago at the North Park Village Nature Center, a 46-acre nature preserve at
5801 N. Pulaski Road. You will find the 4-foot-high waterfall where
the North Branch of the Chicago River tumbles into the North Shore
Channel. Open 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
6 Spring into ((Lights, Camera)) Action
A personal favorite: You can star in your very own newscast atthe hands-on SciTechMuseum in Aurora. The camera is ready to roll!
7 Spring to (still) life
Pull up an easel and take a still life class at the Chicago Art &Design Center where kids are treated like professional young
8 Swing into spring
Parents, after a long day with the kiddos at home, grab yourpartner or a friend and swing on over to Big City Swing for a drop-in
swing class. No experience or partner needed!
9 Buzz into spring
Learn bee biology and how to start your own beehive at a Chicago Honey Co-op’s beekeepingclass at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum. Call (773) 848-2246
for more information.
10 Spring chicken
Use your time off as an opportunity for community service.Volunteer to serve dinner to Chicago’s hungry. After an hour-longtraining session, volunteers can sign up to plate and serve dinner4:30-6:30 p.m. any night of the year at Northside P.O.W.E.R.’s(People Organized to Work, Educate and Restore) A Just Harvest kitchen. Ages 12 and
up. Call (773) 262-2297.
Also on ChicagoParent.com: 6 nights in Chicago to save your sanity
Six staycation nights in Chicago to save your sanity this winter
Hibernating at home during a Chicago winter with littlekids can get old really quickly. So we decided to spend six daysand nights hibernating in Chicago-area hotels instead.
The rules were simple: Test each hotel to see if it’spossible to entertain two small kids and keep your sanity withoutstepping outside. Not only did we keep our sanity, but we had ablast doing it.