The best thing about traveling with kids is seeing the world through their eyes and the lightbulb that goes off when they get to school and start to learn about history and other cultures. Nothing brings a lesson home as easily as having visited the place you’re learning about.
But traveling as a parent also means learning that kids are the same all over the world.
I realized this as I stood in the Orlando airport waiting for the monorail and watching a 6-year-old boy use his roll-aboard suitcase to ram his older brother. Repeatedly. Until the older brother retaliated and socked him–just as their mom looked their way. She starting yelling at both of them in rapid-fire Chinese. Then she yelled at the dad, who had been standing blissfylly by while the entire family drama unfolded.
Next, it was the 4-year-old at Universal Studios begging her grandma for an ice cream. Grandma granted her wish, speaking with a heavy Scottish accent while Grandpa sighed and reached for his wallet. Again.
Finally, it was all the little witches and warlocks, sporting their dress robes and wandering around the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal. They came in every size, every shape, every color and every language, joined by the wonder of Harry Potter.