Create slithering serpentine friends from materials you have around your house.
Real snakes probably are not your favorite animal, but these super cute (and super simple) coiled cardboard snakes are easy to love. This project is a great example of how just a few really basic, simple craft supplies can be transformed into a creative and fun activity for the preschool and toddler set.
- Save several empty cardboard paper towel tubes (or dig them outof your recycling bin!). Paint the inside and outside of thecardboard tubes one color. Let dry and apply a second coat ifneeded. Don’t worry if the paint job isn’t perfect.
- Once the paper towel tubes are completely dry, use scissors tocut the tubes into coils. Cut around the tube in narrow, straightrows. In order to ensure that the “snakes” hold their round shape,wrap the cut paper towel roll around an empty tube from wrappingpaper or something with a similar shape.
- Use a small paintbrush to add dots (or another embellishment ofyour choice) in a contrasting color. Let dry completely and thenflip over on the other side to add more detail.
- Use a glue gun (adult job only!) or craft glue to add googlyeyes to the snake’s “head.”
- Use a small piece of red construction paper or red craft foamand scissors to create “forked tongues” to add to your snakes. Usecraft glue or a hot glue gun to attach it to the end of your papertowel coil.
- Several empty cardboard papertowel tubes
- Empty wrapping paper tube
- Googly eyes
- Craft glue or a glue gun
- Scissors
- Paintbrush
- Tempura paint in a variety of colors
- Red construction paper or craft foam
- Scissors