So much for counting sheep. According to the National Sleep Foundation’s Sleep in America 2009 poll, 1 in 5 people get less than six hours of shut-eye each night, and it seems you’re no different.
By the Numbers
Source: ‘Sleep in America 2009,’ National Sleep Foundation
“My husband was presenting at a meeting at work, stood up and reached into his pocket for pen and brought out a handful of pacifiers!”
-Susie Donohue
“My most sleep-deprived moment was trying to keep up with nursing a newborn and returning to work full-time. I got up in the middle of the night, changed the baby’s diaper, nursed her and stopped by the bathroom. I suddenly felt the rush of my head jerking and realized I was falling asleep on the toilet. After struggling to get my senses back, I heard the baby crying again. When I returned to her crib, I found out I forgot to put her diaper on.”
-Penny Pierce
“After weeks and weeks of no sleep, imagine my horror when I showed up at church one day and discovered in the middle of the service that I had my shirt on inside out!! It’s a funny memory now, but I tell you, was I embarrassed at the time!”
-Carrie Krueger
“I have had many sleep-deprived moments as the mother of a colicky baby. One time I put the phone in the fridge and the bottle on the phone charger.”
-Annette DeAngelis