I get around a lot and I get to see and try lots of cool stuff. But skijoring? It's new to me.
Here's how the PR folks at the New Hampshire Division of Travel and Tourism explain it:
“The sport of skijoring began several hundred years ago in Scandinavian countries as a way to travel during the long winters. Laplanders skied on Nordic skis holding the reins attached to reindeer.In the mid 1950s, skijoring found its way to North America, where ranchers attached a long rope to the saddle horn of a horse that was ridden at high speeds down a long straight-away.
Currently, the sport of equestrian skijoring has become a highly specialized competitive sport, where competitors must navigate a course of jumps, gates and sometime spear rings. In some parts of the world, skiers are pulled behind dogs, mules and snowmobiles.”
Gotta say it sounds like fun, atlhough probably not appropriate for little ones. But my 16-year-old would think it was a hoot. I don’t even really like the snow or the cold, but this I would try. The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel and Mount Washington Resort in New Hampshire offer learn-to-skijor vacations.