Ring in Spring in Chicago

Family-friendly walks and runs in Chicago this spring

Spring is on its way to Chicagoland, and what better way togreet it than on the run? So lace up the old joggers, grab the kidsand head to these little-feet-friendly races.

5 Spring break destinations within driving distance of Chicago

Are you looking for spring break options that don’t start with$1,000 in airfare? Try these regional hotspots intsead, each withina three-hour drive of Chicago. Click each destination for ourreviews and recommendations for where to stay, where to eat, andwhat’s worth checking out.



 View Spring Break is just a short drive away in a larger map

6 places to find lions and lambs this March in Chicago

So far, March has felt a bit more lion-like than lambish, but we’re confident that warmer weather is ahead. In the spirit of that old adage, we’re finding both lions and lambs in a few surprising places.

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50 Must-Do Free Things to Do with Kids in Chicagoland

Enjoy family fun without spending a dime! Check out these budget-friendly family activities.

Cheers to Chicago’s Best Kid-Friendly Breweries

These local breweries offer craft brews and good times for the entire family.

Best School Districts in Lake County

See how your local school district stacks up against the best in the county.

Top Indoor Play Places Around Hyde Park

Keep these indoor play spaces around Hyde Park handy for rainy days, offering fun and educational activities for kids.

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