Still on summer vacation? Stay there as long as possible. It’s a scary place out there in Back-to-School Land. Here’s a list of possible things you’re not quite ready to hear, whether from your preschoolers or your high school seniors:
21. When’s it going to be cold enough to wear my back-to-school clothes?
20. These shoes aren’t cute anymore.
19. I volunteered you for the (out of town/overnight) field trip!
18. Will you stay for the whole time?
17. Will you let me walk in by myself?
16. Drop-off is at 6:45am/7:30am/9:15am/12:12pm/3:30pm/5:20pm/7:02pm.
15. Pick-up is at 11:20am/12:15pm/2:10pm/3:30pm/4:13pm/5:15pm/9:09pm.
14. I volunteered you for the (weekend/evening) committee!
13. My team has 19 away games.
12. Can you drop me off a little further away from the front doors?
11. Can you drive my friends home?
10. Can I ride in my boyfriend’s car?
9. I volunteered you for the (allergen-free/themed) snack!
8. I’m not tired for bed!
7. I’m too tired for breakfast!
6. I’m taking Greek/Japanese/Yiddish/other language you don’t know and cannot possibly assist me with in the wee hours of the morning when I remember I have a project due.
5. I need 31 glue sticks, 96 pencils, and 5 PVC-free insulated bags.
4. There’s a form that has to be signed, but I forgot it/ripped it/left it somewhere.
3. It’s New Math.
2. (It’s Old Math.)
1. How many days until Christmas break?