Ralph Covert, the creator of Ralph’s World, a children’s music group, just came out with a new album. Covert uses high rock ‘n’ roll energy with kid-friendly lyrics to get kids moving.
What’s your favorite song on your new “All Around Ralph’s World” album?
“My Magic Trick,” which is the lead-off track, is a fun song. There’s also a song called “Funniest Joke in the World.”
What’s your favorite part of the job?
Probably meeting the kids before and after the concerts because they're just so excited. Nine albums in nine years! How did you manage that? I don't know.
I think just the fun of doing it is what propels it (making albums). We keep having fun doing it and the kids and parents love the songs. They keep making more kids; we keep making more records.
How is this album different from the others? It’s got a bunch of different travel songs and it’s kind of why I went with the “All Around Ralph’s World” title. Working some things like that into it, fun things the kids will accidentally be learning, that’s one of the neat things about music.
The “Pull-up” song for Huggies and, similarly, the steps of the “Potty Dance” song are the basic steps a kid would do with Pull-Ups. The song works because it’s a fun, catchy song, and they learn the dance and they accidentally learn how to pull up their diaper.
What are some of your goofiest lyrics?
One of the goofiest ever is one off the new record called “Pickle Juice.” The whole song is one big silly nonsense lyric. It might be the most nonsensical song I’ve ever written.
What do you want parents and kids to know?
My goal with every album has been the same from the beginning. I’m not interested in making a kids’ album per se. I’m interested in a great album that parents and kids can both love. I hear from parents all the time that they listen to the records even when their kids are not around. I think that’s the goal. Something the kids love and the parents love, too. That’s giving them something they can share. That’s pretty awesome.