Battle weary? Let this guy help
Ever feel like you need your own personal referee when the kids start battling? Try this inexpensive alternative: the Pocket Referee coin.
Here’s how it works: whoever’s turn it is to have the coin has a choice—to either keep the coin or pass it to a sibling. If the child keeps the coin, the other child gets to make the decision (such as which movie to watch). However, if she gives up the coin, she gets to make the choice. The coin is available at for $12.95.
Ready to recycle
Have yourself the headache of figuring out what to do with all those almost-empty glue bottles and glue sticks your kids have at the end of the school year. Elmer’s glue sticks and bottles can be collected and dropped off at local Wal-Marts as part of the Elmer’s Glue Crew Recycling Program. For more information, visit www.elmers
The reality of a new baby
It Sucked and Then I Cried: How I Had a Baby, A Breakdown and a Much Needed Margarita by Heather B. Armstrong (Simon Spotlight Entertainment, $24.) Author Heather Armstrong combines humor with real life as she details her descent into depression following the birth of her daughter, Leta.