Often it seems what moms may want the most on Mother’s Day is the last thing they actually receive. Whether it’s some alone time, a break from the household chores, or to be pampered for the day, Mother’s Day can have high expectations.
Here are four moms’ visions of the perfect way to spend the day and some advice for husbands out there to make the day special for their wives.
Natalie Greer, Chicago, mother of two
What would the perfect Mother’s Day entail for you?
I think I already have the perfect Mother’s Day. Each year we go pick out our annual spring flowers and we spend part of the day planting them as a family. Usually the weather cooperates, so it’s nice to be outside while being productive. Add time for a workout and a good dinner, and it is a perfect Sunday. And the best presents are the ones that make me laugh. My oldest son made a card that said he loved me because I like to wear my swimming suit and I can cook chicken tenders. It’s priceless.
What advice would you give to husbands on how to celebrate the holiday?
Don’t wing it! This is the Super Bowl of days for moms, and your team cannot lose. Be prepared. I wish Mother’s Day came more than once a year. People are generally kind to one another, and I love hearing strangers wish each other, “Happy Mother’s Day.” I am extremely lucky to be able to celebrate with my mom, family, and friends, so my advice is to just try to make the most of the day.
April Terrien, Northbrook, mother of two with one on the way
What would the perfect Mother’s Day entail for you?
The perfect Mother’s Day for me would be to sleep in late without any interruptions, have brunch with my sweet little family at a nice restaurant and for my husband to take the kids for the rest of the day and tackle my entire to-do list. Being a stay-at-home mom is not a 9-to-5 gig so I think it’s healthy to take some time “off” to rejuvenate. I don’t feel guilty about it! A day at the spa or just an hour away to get a massage would be heavenly. I would even be thrilled with a more economical stay-in-bed morning at home if it meant I didn’t have to settle any brotherly squabbles, change diapers or do dishes or laundry.
What advice would you give to husbands on how to celebrate the holiday?
Every mom is different and every family is different, but it takes a lot of juggling to keep a household running. Much of it goes unnoticed, but we do it because we love our families. I think it’s important to recognize everything mothers do for their families and not only thank her, but reward her for it. My advice to husbands is to make moms feel special, get the kids involved and just take care of mom for a day. Not only will it give her a much needed break, but it will allow her the time and freedom to enjoy the little things about the family that give her joy.
Julie Walsh, La Grange, mother of three
What would the perfect Mother’s Day entail for you?
The perfect Mother’s Day would start with sleeping late followed by a pancake breakfast cooked by my husband. Then I’d take a yoga class or go to a spa. I’d spend the afternoon with our extended family. The best Mother’s Day gift I’ve received was homemade heart-shaped pins from my boys. They decorated the pins with glitter, sparkles and flowers. I love when they put all of their effort into a gift.
What advice would you give to husbands on how to celebrate the holiday?
My advice is to ask your wife how she would like to spend the day. Also, do not forget to take care of all the kid responsibilities. I prefer to split up the day so that I can have some time alone, as well as time with the family.
Simone Unger, Elmhurst, mother of two
What would the perfect Mother’s Day entail for you?
The best Mother’s Day would be to sleep in that morning, wake up to a quiet house, have coffee and a little something to eat actually sitting down. Then taking a shower without anyone banging down the door, getting dressed without kids climbing up my leg, and meeting my husband and daughters to eat at a restaurant where someone else is cooking. In the past, my husband took my kids to visit all the grandmas while I relaxed at home and had time with my own thoughts.
What advice would you give to husbands on how to celebrate the holiday?
I would say that all moms love to feel appreciated, and Mother’s Day is your day to outshine any other day of the whole year and to show her that her everyday dedication to you and the kids is priceless. You know your wife best, so if she likes to have time with friends, set that up and send her out, or if she loves flowers, get her favorite ones first thing that morning.