Kids have been folding paper into boat shapes forever. But I bet you can still impress yours by helping them create a waterproof version that really floats. Ahoy, captain!
Kids have been folding paper into boat shapes forever. But I bet you can still impress yours by helping them create a waterproof version that really floats. When you’re done, test them out at your local pond or, if to really make a day of it, head to the lake or to Buckingham Fountain. Ahoy, captain!
- Begin with a rectangular piece of paper. A standard 8½ x 11piece will work just fine, but a larger sheet will produce abigger, better result. Newspaper is also a good choice.
- Place the paper on a flat surface in front of you with theshort side at the top. Fold the top edge down to meet the bottomedge and make a crease. Then fold the left side to meet the rightside, crease, and unfold at the crease. Fold the top left and rightcorners down to meet in the middle and crease (as if you weremaking a paper airplane).
- You should see two unattached strips of paper beneath thetriangles you just made. Pick up the top strip and fold it up tomake a crease. Turn the paper over and repeat this step.
- Rotate the paper so the point of the triangle is on one side.Pick it up, place your thumbs between the strips and open it.
- As you open the triangle, it will flatten into a diamond shape.If you see any stray flaps, tuck them in and crease again.
- Fold one bottom point up to meet the top point of the diamondand crease. Turn the paper over and fold the other bottom point upto the top, then crease, to form a new triangle. Open the trianglefrom the bottom and flatten it into a new diamond (as in Step3).
- Pick up the diamond, place your fingers on each side of thevery top point and gently pull both sides apart a bit. Keep pullinguntil the boat begins to take form.
- When the boat won’t pull apart any more, flatten it into acanoe shape. Pull each side apart at the middle until it can standon its own.
- Apply liberal amounts of clear tape to the bottom of your boatto make it “sea worthy.”
- Take your waterproof vessel to the nearest stream, pond orbathtub and test it out in a good old-fashioned regatta.
- A rectangular sheet of paper (plain, colored or decorated byyour kids)
- Clear tape