While you’re busy thinking about the nursery you’ve been planning on Pinterest and the daring tiny tees you spotted at Psychobaby, you’ll also be getting to know your OB/GYN really well.
Get your body back
Many moms are nervous about getting back their pre-pregnancy bodies. One of the great added benefits of nursing is it burns calories, but you still need to make sure you get enough. A nursing mom needs an extra 330 calories per day. Too many moms are stressed over body image, and that isnt healthy for you or your baby. Take it one day at a time. It took your body nine months to grow a baby; it will take a little while for things to go back. Spoil yourself a little. If you want chocolate, eat chocolate!
Dr. Kimi Suh
Loyola University Health System, 30 Second Mom contributor
Here’s how to get through those monthly appointments with as little stress as possible.
The waiting room
Pregnant bellies abound. Don’t compare because you’ll stress yourself out. Plus, bring your own reading material since the People that’s there features Brad and Jen still together.
First appointment
Get ready to know the health history for your entire family twice removed. Doctors want to make sure all of your bases are covered. Arrive prepared and informed.
First ultrasound
If your first ultrasound occurs during the early weeks of your pregnancy, do not expect the cool gel and belly rubbing. The first ultrasound usually involves a wand and a condom. Enough said.
Monthly appointments
Stand with your back to the scale when you weigh-in. Trust us on this. The number will rise in the coming months and it’s best not to stress yourself out with the added pressure of maintaining your girlish figure. Also, monthly urine samples are a thing. So arrive ready to pee.
Labor& delivery
Likely the best and worst day of your life. Be prepared for everyone and their mother to share their own labor war story, with plenty of (often wrong) advice. Listen to yourself and you’ll be just fine.
Baby has arrived and the hoo-hah looking is done, right? Not. Your six-week check-up will involve more prodding, but at least the hard part is done. You’ll also get the happy news that “baby-making” activities can resume.