If you are like a lot of families, you worry about how you will pay for college, how to better save your money and how to make your money go farther.
That’s why Money Smart Week was created by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in 2002. Through collaboration of hundreds of organizations, including businesses, financial institutions, schools, libraries, nonprofits, government agencies and the media, the week is designed to help you better manage your personal finances.
The week is filled with free educational seminars and activities that cover all all facets of personal finance from establishing a budget to first time home buying to estate planning.
This week, you can ask financial experts your questions and get answers you can trust right here. Check back often to see what other families want to know, too.
Watch for Sid Blum’s responses below to your questions. Blum, a volunteer from the Financial Planning Association, has been the Money Smart Week go-to expert for parents for more than three years.