How to save money with homemade health and beauty products

Making a few of your own grooming products is good for your body, good for the planet, and great for your wallet. While some natural recipes can be too much work for busy families, there are plenty of easy homemade solutions for stretching your drugstore dollars.

Here are four for those who shy away from DIY:

DIY beauty products don’t have to be complicated. Check out these four easy ways to save money and make homemade health and beauty goods.

Sooner or later, someone will start scratching. Before you cansay “holy disgusting bugs,” a child’s head will be crawling withlice. If you plan ahead, a tiny bottle of tea treeoil could save you the cost of several lice eradication
kits. Simply add a few drops of tea tree oil to any shampoo,
conditioner or de-tangler you use regularly. An ounce (literally)
of prevention lasts for years and can save many outbreaks of

Essential oil lice prevention

Gentle makeup remover can be made in minutes for pennies. Thisrecipe even removes waterproof mascara. In a 4-ounce container(leftover from your last purchase) add two teaspoons of oilof your choice (jojoba, grape seed, almond or olive) and
two teaspoons of non-soap cleanser such as
Cetaphil. Fill with water and shake. That’s it. You’ll have to
shake it up with each application because the oil will separate. If
you have more than one makeup wearer at home, this one DIY
substitution saves at least $100 a year.

Homemade makeup remover

Coconut oil is extremely versatile and fewer
bottles means less money, not to mention far fewer weird
ingredients penetrating your skin. The unrefined oil smells mildly
delicious, but not overpowering like sunscreen. It makes a great
diaper ointment, eczema treatment and a rich alternative to baby
oil for massage or moisturizing. Cuticles adore coconut oil.

Coconut oil EVERYTHING

This one is for adults only. You’ll want to check with yourdentist to be sure this mixture is safe for your particular dentalneeds. Make a paste with equal parts toothpaste, bakingsoda, hydrogen peroxide and water. Brush with the mixture
once a week until teeth are the desired white and then once a month
after that.

Teeth whitening

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