Sandy Bachman is a Certified Ayurveda Practitioner, Certified Yoga Teacher, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and Certified Advanced Energy Healer living in Elmhurst. She was kind enough to share her passion and knowledge of therapeutic grade essential oils and offer parents new tools to deal with non emergency interventions. She is a distributor for Young Living Oils, so many of the oils she mentions are specific to Young Living. If you are interested in more information, please contact Sandy at or visit her website at
Let’s face it. Mom is the first one on the scene for the family’s health and first aid crisis. She is the triage nurse of the household. She assesses the situation, keeps everyone calm and determines just how serious the particular situation is. She makes the decision to visit the family health care provider or handle the situation at home with common sense and home remedies.
There are many situations where non-emergency interventions can be handled at home with essential oils. Anything from an upset stomach to insect bites, essential oils can provide Dr. Mom with a tool bag of helpful home remedies. Instead of using over-the-counter products which can be toxic and have side effects, consider using therapeutic grade essential oils to maintain your family’s health.
What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are the blood or lifeline of the plant. The oil can be obtained from roots, leaves, flowers, seed or bark of a plant. Primarily through steam distillation, essential oils are released. Like all living things, essential oils have a frequency or energy level. Essential oils are a natural, organic way to allow communication for healing to occur in the human body.
How to Use Essential Oils
There are several different ways to administer essential oils for wellness:
Inhalation – Placing 2 – 3 drops of the oil in the palm of the hand, rub together gently in a clockwise motion, then cup over nose and mouth and inhale slowly for several minutes. Oils travel through the nasal passages into the lungs and into every cell of the body. Accessing the limbic system of the brain allows for immediate penetration of the healing oil. Remember to inhale slow and steady with your relaxed breath. Inhalation is good for headaches, nervous conditions, anxiety, restlessness, energy, concentration, respiratory conditions.
Diffusing – A cold air diffuser is highly recommended and most efficient in dispersing thousands of oil molecules into the air. This is a great way to foster a healthy home environment once the windows are closed and the cold and flu season is upon us. It is also a quiet and non-invasive way to assist someone to fall asleep or simply create a welcoming home aroma for those that enter your household.
Topical – It is recommended that with children and elderly people that essential oils be diluted before applying to the skin (some suggestions are Young Living’s V-6 oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil). Using essential oil is a great way to administer healing to the skin. Massaging the hands, feet and ears of someone is very healing and relaxing for most people. Different combinations of essential oils can also be added to bath water which makes for a lovely relaxing and rejuvenating experience. It is ideal to either use one cup whole milk or Epson salts to your bath to assist the dispersing of the essential oils in the bathtub.
A few more remedies for Dr. Mom’s most common home situations…..
Congestion – Diffuse together 2-3 drops of each Eucalyptus globules, Raven, R.C. You could also create a steam inhalation with the same oils and some hot water. Place towel over head and inhale slow and steady. Protect and close eyes during treatment.
Constipation – Dilute 1 drop of peppermint with a quarter size drop of V-6 (or other carrier oil). Rub on the lower abdomen in a circular motion to encourage elimination.
Diaper Rash – Avoid commercial products for babies that contain irritants such as talc and mineral oil. Dilute 1 drop of Gentle Baby oil with V-6 quarter size drop and apply on location. You can also use Lavender with the same dilution.
Fever – For baby: Be sure to dilute 1:1 with carrier oil any one of the following:
Peppermint – 1-2 drops and apply at navel in clockwise manner
Lavender – 1-2 drops on bottom of feet
Thieves – 1-2 drops on bottom of feet
Frankincense – 1-2 drops on bottom of feet
For adults:
Peppermint – 1-2 drops apply neat at naval
Lavender – 1-2 drops on bottom of feet, hourly
Thieves – 1-2 drops on bottom of feet, hourly
Frankincense – 1-2 drops on bottom of feet, hourly
Headache – Place any one of the following: Peppermint, Lavender or Frankincense on temples, back of neck, across forehead and on the painful location. Also inhale. Be sure to keep Peppermint away from your eyes as it is strong and will cause eyes to tear up.
Insect Bites – Purification – apply one drop to the bite.
Skin Itching – Lavender – apply diluted to the skin for any skin itching and/or irritations.
For every non-emergency situation there are just as many home remedies. The good news about becoming more practiced in holistic health is that one day you realize you are giving yourself and your family the most pure, organic intervention to their health and wellness.
Before all the over the counter products, mothers had their herbal garden, salves and home remedies that were taught to them by their mothers and passed down through time. They are as effective today as they were yesterday. If any of this resonates with you, I encourage you to investigate essential oils further.
A great book to consider purchasing is Gentle Babies by Debra Raybern. This book is specific to using essential oils and natural remedies for pregnancy, childbirth and infant care.
There is also a beautiful Comprehensive Oil Reference book that is specific to the essential oils and products of Young Living. It can be purchased through Abundant Health.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me at or visit my website at