If you are like me I am sure you are hit with hundreds, if not thousands, of images, e-mails, videos and texts on a daily basis. Do you have time for them? Do you ignore them? Decipher them? Investigate them? When I saw this video it really struck a chord and made me re-examine the many images I encounter.
With an “almost”teenage daughterand two younger boys Iknowthatthe message is something for them to see, think aboutand talk about.
I think of all of thetime I spent in the ’80s scouring my Seventeen, Teen, Glamour and Vogue magazines for direction and comfort. How long have I been looking at distorted photos? Not sure but it’s easy to see why I and somany feel as though they can’t measure up when they seebillboards witha final image.
I stress that what’s on the INSIDE is important, but with images all around us, thesuperficial is what many think of first.