Healthy, kid-friendly recipes from our weekly recipe blogger, Mandy Fayne.
Healthy, kid-friendly recipes from our weekly recipe blogger, Mandy Fayne.
Zucchini Fries are my family’s new favorite veggie side. Whilefries imply something unhealthy for you, this savory, crunchy anddelicious twist on zucchini is healthy! Best of all, they are easyto make and super fun for the kids to help bake!
My kids participated by whisking the egg. (I have the cutestgiraffe whisk -thanks Target!) Then my kiddos dipped each zucchinislice into the beaten egg and then into the seasonedbreadcrumbs.
While this recipe is a fun activity for the whole family toparticipate in, this was not a very clean activity. My kidshad so much fun baking these fries and eating the fruit (or in thiscase, veggie) of their labor, this healthy recipe is worth a littlemess!
Healthy Chicken Brown Fried Rice
Since most fried rice from restaurants are loaded withsodium and super greasy, I created a healthy version with brownrice so my son could indulge in his favorite rice dish everyweek.
Tip: Before you go out and buy the ingredients forthe healthy take on this classic Chinese dish, buy a pair ofcooking scissors if you do not already own one. It makes cuttingchicken into bite size pieces a breeze!
Dreaming of Paris? Add a little culture to your family’sbreakfast with this easy recipe for a twist on a Frenchfavorite.
Healthy Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cake
Kids can help make and bake this delicious cake, perfect for alunch or dinner dessert, or even a brunch!
This recipe for sugar cookies and delicious, melty frosting hasa healthy twist.
I hope you enjoy cooking this quick and amazingly deliciousdinner (mom, dad, and kid approved) as much as we did. Both my kidshelped in the preparation. My daughter whisked the egg. My sonarranged the three bowls and poured in the ingredients. We tookturns dipping the chicken and making sure each piece was thoroughlycoated. Best of all, we ate a yummy nutritious dinner together!
My son sprayed the loaf pan, squeezed in a splash of lemonjuice, shredded the zucchini, held the grater while I shredded morezucchini, and finally decided to rest (thank goodness)! We baked ascrumptious yet healthy treat to for everyone enjoy!
Feel free to customize this chocolate treat to your family’sfavorite flavors. Have fun choosing which toppings you want- nuts,peppermints or dried fruit would all taste delicious!
This bark tastes fresh for about two weeks if kept in anairtight container in the refrigerator or freezer.
This is the simplest noodle dish! The healthy bonus is it ispacked with protein from the creamy peanut butter.
Kids can help with the prep by mixing the peanut butter, soysauce and sesame oil. My kiddos slurped up their healthy and easylunch in just as much time as it took me to make it! This noodledish is a terrific dinner too! Quick, easy, yummy andnutritious!
Funfetti Cupcakes with a healthy twist
My sweet kiddos wanted to bake cupcakes from scratch, and I amnever one to pass up a baking project! We debated about the flavorand ultimately settled on funfetti for a colorful sweet treat! Thisrecipe is easy, healthier than your typical cupcake, anddelicious!
We can’t get enough Nutella. These cookies are super easy, quickand yummy!
It takes less than five minutes to whip up this sweet and savorysalsa! This is perfect for Cinco de Mayo or summer cookouts.
This recipe for Blueberry Buttermilk Cake is perfect for holidaybrunches or lunch potlucks. Plus, it has healthy touches for aguilt-free treat.