My friend, Melissa, recently threw a Pinterest recipe party and our article this week comes from her!
Ever pin all those yummy recipes on Pinterest but never have time to get to ALL of them!?Here’s a solution.
Host a Pinterest Recipe Party!Each guest brings and shares a Pinterest recipe they’ve been dying to try.The only catch is that the recipe must be one the guests havenevermade before and they must bring it no matter if it turns out or not. The idea lets us see if the pin is good or not, just like if we made it ourselves at home.It’s hilarious when someone brings a pin recipe that turns out horrible!And it saves everyone a ton of time and money knowing not to try it themselves.
How it works: The hostess creates an event on Facebook and invites her guests.Each guest RSVPs and comments with the link from Pinterest of the recipe they are bringing.Other guests can click on links to see what each other are bringing so there are no duplicates, making sure there is a good variety of food and/or drinks. After the party, guests can then repin the recipes of their liking.
Guest not on Pinterest? Not a problem.They would just bring a recipe they’ve been wanting to try and they can always email the recipe if requested.They would still RSVP on Facebook with what they’re bringing so others know not to bring something similar.Guest not on Facebook?They would just let the hostess know what they are bringing and they can always email the recipe if requested.
The hostess provides silverware, plates, napkins and beverages if needed.There’s no need for the guest to bring a large amount of food because people just do sampling!