Holiday Hate Gate

This week the Dads discuss holiday decorations – the dreaded tasks of putting them up, taking them down, and keeping them away from children and other animals.

WDP4: Holiday Hate Gate by ChicagoParent

Ebenezer Todd, in his signature manner, is skimping on Christmas lights. Matt relates the inevitable ways decorations lead to an early grave. D.M. gets a “Bye Year” on decorations, and Matt’s daughter is already systematically destroying the tree.

This leads to the guys inventing an awesome Christmas device for families (which you can already get pretty much anywhere). They also worry about Hannukah and Kwanzaa, which have all the dangers of Christmas… plus fire.

If you like what you here – there’s WAY more! It’s at iTunes (subscribe for free!) or at Please note that, while it’s hilarious, it does have explicit language, so it’s not for the faint of heart (or the tasteful).

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