Parenting means packaging: Amazon boxes, diaper boxes, and those impossible to open plastic clamshells! The Dads are buried in garbage, and feeling (mostly) guilty about their colossal carbon footprints.
WDP21: Green Dad Problems by ChicagoParent
Todd’s tiny garbage can (reduced to make room for his recycling bin) means thousands of trips to the curb. D.M. has given up on sorting his thousands of trash bags altogether, and Matt thinks he may be over-recycling.
Todd thinks erring on the side of throwing things in the recycling is fine, (Doesn’t everyone need a new chicken made of recycled bones?) but Matt isn’t sure there is a giant castle full of Oompa Loompas sorting out all his wax-lined juice boxes.
D.M. thinks the rising landfills will help keep us above the rising ocean levels, and all the Dads decide to move to a kingdom made of twist ties and diaper genie bags.
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