Thanks to the warm spring weather finally showing up in Chicago, yesterday the staff at Brookfield Zoo let the giraffes play in their outdoor habitat for the first time this season.
We can’t help but smile watching Dave, a 5-month-old male, stretching his legs and running around. Yesterday was his outdoor debut since his birth in November 2012 so his excitement is no surprise.
Other giraffes seen in the video and photos include Mithra, a 22-year-old female; Franny, a 21-year-old female and her 6-year-old daughter, Arnieta, who is Dave’s mom; and Jasiri, a 7-year-old female.
The reticulated giraffes at Brookfield Zoo are native to northeast Kenya, so it is important the staff waits until the temperature reaches 45-50°F before letting the giraffes in the outdoor habitat.