Rules of Pinterest Etiquette

You’ve started your account, began customizing your boards, and now you spend most of your nights with Pinsomnia. Before you go overboard (or even if you already have), see if you fall into one of these Pinner categories.

The I-Pin-Without-Ceasing Pinner

Your list of followers grows by the day and you find yourself searching more pins by the hour. If you haven’t pinned something within the past 10 minutes, then you’re probably either in the bathroom or dead. You have more boards than clothes in your wardrobe and you’ve planned every party from your wedding shower to your grandchild’s first birthday. You have hit “Pin It!” more than you’ve blinked in the past 60 minutes and Repin is now a regular part of your daily life’s vocabulary.

The I-Pin-Everything-You-Do Pinner

You’ve managed to start following quite a few fabulous people on Pinterest. You know – those creative types who not only repin fabulous things, but also recreate those exact same pins in their spare time. You, on the hand, in your spare time? You repin all of their fabulous things and dream about recreating those ideas, but never do. (Ahem…raises hand) My fantastically creative cousin (yes, you, Sera!) has recently acquired a home and will surely create an entire home fit for Pinterest! She also happens to be the usual pinner I pine after.

The I-Pin-Everything-to-Pinterest-but-also-remind-you-through-all-other-social-media Pinner

These people are particularly painful, especially because I usually also follow them via Twitter and Facebook. They pin, repin, and comment on pins incessantly. But, even after adding their pin to a particular board, they also show you the exact same pin in every other different social media they own – Twitter, Facebook, and so on. Now I don’t mean the occasional repost, but when my entire feed is lit up with things you’ve just pinned in the last hour? We have a problem.

Rules of Etiquette

Although I am quite sure the list is endless, here are just a few helpful tips on how to make your Pinterest experience less of a burden on others.

  1. Identify if you fall into one of the three above categories and adjust accordingly.
  2. Try not to pin 20 pins that are various forms of “Sweat is fat crying” and you know what I’m talking about.
  3. Steer clear of re-pinning the entire blog post for that picture in the “comments” section of the pin. Give credit where credit is due – pin the picture from link and allow others to click through to get to the main source. (Thanks, Sarah!)
  4. Try not to (and I’m guilty of this also!) bore everyone around you with all of your Pinterest chatter!
  5. Don’t just pin, create! (Stay tuned for next week’s article on throwing a perfect Pinterest party!)

What are your biggest Pinterest faux pas that you see other Pinners committing? We’d love to hear from you! You can also follow me on Pinterest here or Chicago Parent here.

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