I have an addiction to shaped Reese’s Peanut Butter candy.
Whenever each holiday rolls around, I eagerly await for those little packages to hit shelves because they are superior to the regular cup versions. Reese’s has covered Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas. I just wish they would get on the bandwagon with July 4th and Thanksgiving just to cover the months of non-Reese’s lull. You may recall my luck with the copycat Thin Mints recipe, but could luck really strike twice? Especially with something so delicious, it seemed unlikely that Pinterest would produce the same caliber of Reese’s treats.
A quick search on Pinterest reveals a variety of possible options to choose from (and even includes recipes for using the eggs), so I simply closed my eyes and chose one. I ended up with this recipefrom The Whimsical Princess and decided to try my hand at them. With just six ingredients, these eggs seemed almost too good to be true.
My Attempt
Since I only have two little guys, I decided to cut the recipe in half. I still ended up with fourteen eggs and this is perfect for the size of our family. The mixture was extremely crumbly and I was not optimistic that they would form into eggs well. However, I was pleasantly surprised when forming them in the palm of my hand to discover that they stuck together and became smooth, molding to the shape I chose. I also used 100% natural creamy peanut butter and was a bit concerned that this wouldn’t have the same flavor, but apparently a few cups of powdered sugar can fix anything.
The Result
Picture 1. Why does this look like a mouse? Fail. Picture 2. A condensation mark left from a warm preschool finger & a cold egg means the shape is right, but the picture stinks. Perhaps I should scour Pinterest for a blog photo tutorial. Picture 3. Just about there with some exposed peanut butter, but good nonetheless. Overall, the taste was pretty good, but not quite what I’m used to with the typical chocolate eggs. My boys won’t know the difference and so I’m planning to toss these into their baskets (gently of course). I also should probably work on my chocolate dunking technique to perfect how they actually look (appearance is part of the illusion).
Try this recipe and let us know what you think! If you’re trying to steer clear of candy, another great alternative is “Carrots” made out of cheddar cheese bunnies. They look great in the Easter basket and your kids will gobble them up. Share all your Pinteresting Easter surprises with us over on our Pinterest page.