Whether you live in the suburbs of Chicago or in the heart of China, we’re all looking at the same sky. That’s the message the Adler Planetarium hopes children understand after viewing its new show"One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure.”
In the Sesame Street show Hu Hu Zhu, a friend from China, visits Big Bird and Elmo. The three friends take viewers on a trip to discover the sun, the moon and the stars. They learn about the Big Dipper and the North Star and take an imaginary trip to the moon. When Elmo and Hu Hu Zhu imagine themselves back on Earth, they celebrate the idea that even though they live in two different countries, they still share the same sky.
In addition to the show, Adler will have brochures filled with parent tips, activities and an interactive poster so that families can continue their learning at home."One World, One Sky” themed activities and events for the family include Sesame Street Family Week Oct. 20-24 and Far Out Friday Nov. 7.
The show is being shown in English, Spanish and Mandarin. Tickets for the show, which include general admission and one planetarium show are $19, $17 Chicago residents, $15 kids, $14 kid Chicago residents and $17 seniors, $15 senior Chicago residents.
The Adler Planetarium is located at 1300 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. Call (312) 922-STAR (7827) or visit the Web site at adlerplanetarium.org for more information.