It’s hard not to love a penguin-it must have something to do with that tuxedoed look. Jan. 20 is Penguin Awareness Day, and it’s a great time to learn about penguins and the threats they face, such as oil spills, warming ocean temperatures and depleted food sources. We’ve got the perfect place to spend the day: Shedd Aquarium, where general admission is free on Jan. 20 to Illinois residents.We talked to those experts for some ideas to celebrate our penguin pals.
Penguin Awareness Day is Jan. 20! Get ready for waddles of fun with these ways to celebrate our tuxedoed friends.
Dress the part
There’s no easier way to celebrate penguins than to dress likeone. In lieu of a tuxedo, DIY a costume for your kiddos in basicblack and white. Or head to Shedd’s Polar PlayZone (there’s reduced admission that day) to try on a costume
kids can wear while climbing rocks and sliding down slides.
Try some seafood
A penguin feast is in order! Penguins eat a variety of seafood,including squid. But not all seafood at the grocery store ispenguin friendly. Check out Shedd’s website for the Right Bite wallet
card, an easy guide to buying fish caught or farmed using
environmentally friendly practices.
Tweet your questions
Penguins don’t exactly tweet, but you can! Hit up @shedd_aquarium with
your penguin queries and an expert will tweet the answer. Visit Shedd’s website to learn
which day will be penguin-focused.
Watch and learn
Shedd has a 4-D theater,
which means you don’t just watch a movie, you experience it through
all your senses. Planet Earth: From Pole to Pole explores the life
of polar creatures, including emperor penguins, with gusts of wind,
rain and a few other surprises. And it’s only 15 minutes long,
perfect for a quick breather at the large aquarium.
Get up-close-and-personal
At Shedd, you can come face-to-face with rockhopper andMagellanic penguins in the habitats. And if you’re feelingespecially adventurous, check out the 30-minutePenguin Encounters, an opportunity to meet a penguin, touch its
feathers and learn about the birds from one of Shedd’s trainers.
Penguin Encounters fill up quickly, so register early!