Recently we here at Chicago Parent took a look around our office and realized we have a lot of really cool stuff lying around. We got to talking and decided we want to share our stuff and make it your stuff, which is resulting in our “Really Cool ‘Stuff’ Contest.” We’re going to pick three lucky Chicago Parent readers to win a box of “stuff,” which we promise will be really cool. Want a sneak peek? We have books, CDs and DVDs, but we’re sure that’s not all you care about. At random, our winners will receive one of the following, as well as a book, CD and DVD: a Buzz and Woody stuffed toy set, a NERF N-Strike Elite game for Wii and Click Start: My First Computer from LeapFrog.
We’re choosing at random, but to win, tell us what prize you’d really like to win if you had a choice.
This contest closes June 18, 2010.
Assistant Editor Kate Pancero is pictured during the pondering stage of this contest.