We know we’re not supposed to play favorites. But when it comes to Families in the Loop’s monthly themes we have to admit, October is shaping up to be one of our most adored. Before we share, here’s a recap of September and our theme, “Fall into Fun.”
First, we rocked the Back to School season in style with fresh articles about fashion, health, game-day meals, school apps, school day stress and more. And, of course, who can forget the sold-out Brunch & Boogie at Lincoln Hall on Sept. 18? There we saw 300 parents and kids, 25+ businesses, and at least a thousand delicious treats, plus The Gooeybots performing the best rendition of Crocodile Rock this town has ever seen.
With September cozily tucked away, we can’t wait to tell you about FITL’s October’s theme, which is (yes, a drum-roll, please. You know the drill)…. “Bright Lights and Big Ideas!” We’ve been looking around lately and wondering: what’s going on?Why the polarizing positions, lack of discourse, and overall feelings of gloom? In short, where are the big ideas?
It turns out that we’re not alone. In The New York Times this summer, Neal Gabler all but declared that Big Ideas are dead. Well, guess what Mr. Gabler: the parent community, with Chicago at its helm, is about to show you otherwise.
This month, we’re throwing open the door to new ideas and perspectives. You’ll read stories from a few amazing parents who have refused to let politics, financial obstacles or any other challenge hold them back. FITL’s also giving you articles about hot technology for kids, social networks, and must-see films that we can bet you’d never find on another parenting site.Why?Because at Families in the Loop, we’re all about breaking boundaries and making the lives of parents super-cool and fun.
So kick back with your favorite beverage a few times a week and come hang out with us here and on Facebook, where we hope to hear how “Bright Lights and Big Ideas” is creating a bit of a spark inside of you. No matter your politics, location, shoe size, background or religion, let’s get talking again. Aren’t you ready for some big ideas? We know we are.