There was only one television set in my house growing up. Thankfully, both parents and children were afforded equal input into family viewership. My mom enjoyed “St. Elsewhere.” Dad watched WWII documentaries. The kids glommed onto “The Greatest American Hero” and “The A-Team.”
Yet when Sunday afternoon rolled around? There was simply no discussion.
We would be watching the Chicago Bears play football.
And if you happened to not like football?
Go play in the snow. Wear a coat. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
With a strong desire to retain my extremities against frostbite in Chicago sub-zero temperatures, I became a huge football fan myself.
At the time, the cast of characters for the Chicago Bears read like a Hollywood script. A riveting running back dubbed “Sweetness.” A mammoth lineman known as “The Fridge.” Da Coach. The punky QB. Richard Dent. Mike Singletary. Wilber Marshall. They became legends back in 1985, and they sucked me into a life-long love affair with Da Team. That love has never wavered.
Ironically, when it came to my kids, it took a bit of work to get them to love football like my husband and I do.
I blame it on having more than one television.
We eventually made strides in bringing them into the cult of the gridiron this past year. As such, I am always looking for ways to build upon their interest and make them as die-hard crazy as the rest of us.
Bears Meijer Family Fest presented by Chase will be hosting its annual event this August 2 at Soldier Field. Along with games, music, and a host of outdoor activities, fans will enjoy a team practice and autograph opportunities.
What better way to indoctrinate one’s offspring into that most sacred of Chicago institutions? I still remember how Father Duffy from my old parish in Tinley Park would race through the homily each Sunday at 11 a.m. mass to ensure we all made it home for opening kick-off.
I understood the importance.
God must definitely be a Bears fan.
Now go and fumble no more, my children.