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Posted by Walter B.
This time just about every year, I think about all the things I should have done, wanted to do, wish I had the time to do and totally intend to do in the New Year. After four and a half decades, I now realize that I’m full of beans!
Here is my top “2010 Bean Free List” of New Year’s Non-Resolutions:
1. Still trying to lose the same 10 pounds from 2007, 2008 and now 2009!
2. Still working on working out.Trying to pick up where I left off in 2006.
3. Still working on being more organized.This is a perennial place holder on my list.Too bad I still can’t find a place to store all the STUFF that should be thrown away!
4. Spend more quality time with my wife. Mission accomplished quite often in 2009, now trying for a together and fit activity! Please refer to # 1, 2 and 3 on this list.
5. Spend more quality time with my children.With five kids, this is a never ending, but rewarding challenge. In a few years, the tables may be turned.
What’s the result? After all these years of making New Year’s resolutions, I am now resolved to the fact that I learn more from my failures and total lack of commitment, because my New Year’s resolution successes are few and far between. Come about Valentine’s Day, my NYR’s are but a distant memory.
Each year there are a precious few items on my previous year’s list that I can look at with some personal sense of partial-feel-good accomplishment.And that’s why I bother to keep making my NYR list, year after year.
What’s on your 2010 NYR list?Please share, with or without the beans. Happy 2010!