August is here and I hate to say it, but it’s time to start thinking about preparing the kids for the inevitable return to the classroom. Summer is fleeting, isn’t it? But don’t fret, you (and the kids) will be fine about their re-entry to reality. They just need a little refresher course, if you will. Some ideas:
1 Sew Crafty scrapbooking class, 2320 N. Damen Ave., Suite 1E (773) 698-8071; I love the idea of wrapping up summer with a pretty little bow. Your kids can do just that by pulling together their summer memories at this class. Plus, Sew Crafty teaches kids how to make their own paper. Perhaps that will come in handy for fall’s first spelling test. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Aug. 25-29, $250 per week
2 Wishcraft Ink Well workshops, 3907 N. Damen Ave., (773) 348-9474; Wishcraft Workshop proprietor Candice Cummins is known for her master craft classes, but throughout the month of August Candice’s team is conducting STEM-related classes in partnership with the city of Chicago. Your little learner can brush up on back-to-school strategies like taking timed tests, constructing a persuasive argument, active reading and thesis statement writing. 4-5:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, $35 for a 90-minute workshop, or $195 for six 90-minute workshops for grades 5-10
3 Mad Science, various locations; If your child has missed education of the explosive sort, enroll her in a Mad Science class. Mad Science, which operates science classes across Chicagoland, can refresh your youngster on the finer art of Eureka (overcoming challenges of various inventors) to Space (need we say more?) and have them ready for whatever laboratory challenge might come their way in September. $300 per week, $65 per class