2011 best DVDs

Sing, laugh at the Cat in the Hat, learn Spanish and much more with these NAPPA award-winning DVDs. This slide show start with toys for younger kids, then goes up in age.

Ranny Levy, founder and president of the Coalition for Quality Children’s Media, has been an advocate for quality children’s media since 1989.

We sent some parent media and game experts out to find the best for Chicago Parent readers. Here’s our list of great DVDs for Christmas and Hanukkah.

Kids have a blast singing classic children’s songs under thekind tutelage of Teapot as he coaches Teeny Teacup through thewords. Independent Production, Music for Little People, 2011;$9.99; mflpdistribution.com; ages 1 to 5.

Toddler Favorites—The Movie

Nature photography and musical arrangements provide stimulationfor babies and progressive learning opportunities for toddlers. TheBaby Einstein Company, 2011; $19.99; babyeinstein.com; ages 0 to3.

Baby Einstein: Neptune’s Ocean Discovery Kit

Adapted from the Dr. Seuss book series, in this DVD, the Catleads Sally and Nick on three adventures about the arctic, penguinsand reindeer. NCircleEntertainment, 2011; $19.99; ncircleentertainment.com; ages 2 to 5.

The Cat in The Hat Knows a Lot About That!

These inspiring music videos develop pro-social and cognitiveskills while engaging kids to be involved and have fun. IndependentProduction, Debbie and Friends, 2011; $14.98; Debbieandfriends.net; ages 2 to 5.

Debbie and Friends Story Songs and Sing Along

With Fritzi the Mouse guiding them, youngsters can begin tolearn Spanish through the immersion method. Independent Production,Whistlefritz, 2011; $19.99; whistlefritz.com; ages 4 to 7.

Spanish for Kids: Las Estaciones

Sid likes to think and his enthusiasm gets his young animatedpals, live-action friends and your preschooler to like thinking,too. NCircleEntertainment, 2011; $12.99; ncircleentertainment.com; ages 2 to 5.

Sid the Science Kid: Going, Going, Green!

No wonder preschoolers relate to the colorful, personableChuggington engines. Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2011; $16.98; Anchorbayentertainment.com; ages 2 to 5.

Chuggington: Let’s Ride the Rails

Minimalist graphics-characters in solid bright colors dance withgusto against a white backdrop-and simple story lines are perfectfor the youngest viewers. NCircle Entertainment, 2011; $12.99; ncircleentertainment.com; ages 2 to 5.

Dance, Pocoyo, Dance!

There is no better place to learn to read than WordWorld. Snappysongs and rich colors hold kids’ attention like glue.NCircleEntertainment, 2011; $12.99; ncircleentertainment.com; ages 2 to 5.

WordWorld: The Train Escapade

Life in the Philippines is very different from ours.Exceptionally bright, clear frames take viewers there, andnarration adds plenty of factual content. Independent Production,Master Communications, 2011; $29.95; master-comm.com; ages 5 to 8.

Families of the Philippines

Sometimes whimsical fun wins the day. This amusing claymationshort is about a baseball player who hits the ball out of the park.Independent Production, MRN Media, Incorporated, 2010; $5; slapbackjack.com; ages 5 to 8.

Slap Back Jack

The Storybook Treasures series bridges video allure and the joyof reading. This installment exposes young artists, musicians andperformers to multiple artistic media, instruments and performance.Optional read-along feature encourages reading skills. New Video,2011; $24.95; newkideo.com; ages 5 to 8.

Young Artists Collection Featuring Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin

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