David After the Dentist
David went to the dentist. David got nitrous oxide. David got stoned. David’s dad filmed it. “I have four eyes!” This video caught a lot of flak from some voices in the parent commentary corps, most notably the Chicago Sun Times’ Mary Mitchell. But if you can’t laugh at this, you seriously need to have your parenting-is-a-trip-o-meter recalibrated.
Charlie Bit Me
If there’s one thing that makes indignant children being reluctantly filmed by their parents cuter, it’s a British accent. And a well-seasoned sibling rivalry. Charlie (the biter) truly enjoys every second of this, while his older brother continues to be surprised, even after two bites.
Rizzo gives the “Miracle” Speech
Rizzo isn’t the first kid to memorize a speech.
Kid Devastated to Learn he’s not a single lady
There comes a day in every parent-child relationship when the parent has to relay some bad news, usually a reality check about the child’s chances of playing professional baseball or becoming an astronaut. With almost 3 million views since it was posted in late March, this has all the makings of a YouTube classic.
The Kittens Girl
The Kittens Girl
Little Girl sings “The Distance.”
Star Wars according to a 3-year-old.
Don’t talk back to Darth Vader! He’ll get ya.