Halloween, with its costumes, decorations and flair for the dramatic, definitely has a theatrical twist. So it makes perfect sense that Raven Theatre in Chicago has created a way to combine the holiday with its community outreach efforts.
If you go
Raven Theatre Boo HaHa!
- 6157 N. Clark St., Chicago
- Raventheatre.com
- (773) 338-2177
- 2-5 p.m. Oct. 27
- Admission: Free
On Oct. 27 families are invited to Raven’s second annual Boo HaHa!, which features bounce houses, trick-or-treating, a live band and theater games. Best of all, the entire event is free, including the pizza, popcorn and lemonade.
Last year’s Boo HaHa! drew about 600 visitors, and this year Raven Theatre’s managing director Teri McCaskill hopes to see even more.
“Part of the reason that we do this is to provide our neighbors the opportunity to come in and see the theater and experience some of what we have to offer,” McCaskill says.
In addition to the Halloween-themed activities, staff will hold 15-minute sessions in the theater for kids so they can play some theater games and have a chance to perform onstage.
This year’s event also will include games such as a pumpkin toss and spoon races with water, face painting, and a craft table. Kids are encouraged to come in costume and no registration is required.