Feel the Force with This Mini Lightsabers Craft

Who doesn’t love a little Star Wars science fun? There’s plenty of make-believe astronomy in the series, but those lightsabers are positively electric. And now, you can create your own small “card” version – learning loads about electricity in the process — thanks to this project from our sister magazine, Metro Parent

First, see how it’s done by watching the video. Then, get the guide for the full instructions plus cool electricity trivia and extra resources. Finally, take the quiz when you’re done for a chance at great prizes.

1. Watch the experiment.

​2. Download your free guide.​

Make a lightsaber card (or two) of your very own, plus learn some cool chemistry science tidbits.

3. Take the quiz

Test your science smarts. Take our quiz to test out what you’ve learned in the experiment and guide!

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