You’re having a tough day so you get outside and boom! The sky, the fresh air and the trees all combine to lift your mood. And once you begin to walk or move outdoors in nature on a regular basis, you feel better, stronger and healthier.
The same goes for kids. Studies have shown that spending time in nature has significant wellness benefits for children. The American Academy of Pediatrics points out that children get both a physical and a mental health boost from being outdoors.
“We know there are many studies that show young people benefit from being outdoors and in nature but we see it everyday at the Forest Preserves,” says Jacqui Ulrich, Director of Conservation & Experiential Programming for the Forest Preserves of Cook County. “Kids run, jump, relax, learn, explore and observe when they are outdoors. They are doing so many things that impact their growth and development.”
Kids get physical benefits from time outdoors in nature
With sedentary lifestyles at an all-time high, getting kids moving outdoors in nature is a big step forward in helping your kids be healthier.
“Kids improve their gross motor skills through nature play,” Ulrich explains. “It also helps them with flexibility. Moving outdoors also helps reduce inflammation in the body and even improves your vision. We also know that regular outdoor play helps combat childhood obesity. You could say that being outdoors in nature provides the body with ‘super benefits’.”
But how do you engage kids in this type of activity, especially when they may want to finish one more game of Candy Crush on their phone?
Beginning with the basics is a great way to start. “Families can just visit one of our trails, nature centers or outdoor spaces to start experiencing the healing and powers of nature,” says Ulrich.
At the Forest Preserves of Cook County, you’ll find camping, fishing, hiking trails, animal tracking, even a zip line. Plus the Forest Preserves offers seasonal programming so your family can reap the wellness benefits all year.
“We want to tap into everyone’s rhythm and offer a variety of outdoor experiences for people to enjoy,” says Ulrich. “We also consider things like the community we are serving and we often celebrate the diverse cultures of Cook County in our activities and events.”
Nature play reduces stress and promotes creativity
Of course, physical perks aren’t the only thing that nature and outdoor play offer to kids. The mental health benefits are just as good.
“Being in nature helps kids’ concentration, promotes better behavior and even helps them sleep better,” says Ulrich.
Besides these behavioral benefits, kids can experience a burst in creativity and learning that extends to the rest of their lives, including school.
Ulrich says that the Forest Preserves of Cook County programs are specifically developed to be not only recreational, but also educational. “We want to ignite children’s imagination and critical thinking by having them engage with the natural world,” she says. “By doing things like observing insects, exploring natural areas, or studying leaf and bark patterns they are using problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Nature is a canvas for creativity.”
Forest Preserves programs like Wee Wonders are a great example of this approach. “Wee Wonders encourages kids to explore, move, create, discover new things about the world around them, ” Ulrich says.
Another Forest Preserves mind-body educational activity is the evening hike at Little Red Schoolhouse in Willow Springs, under the biggest Urban Night Sky place in the world. Families learn all about astronomy while walking outdoors. “The evening programming takes the mind to a whole other level. It’s a new way to view the natural world,” says Ulrich.
Plus, in a time where kids rely so much on screens both at school and at home, being in nature has stress-reducing benefits. “Kids see so many screens on a daily basis – computers, phones, TVs. All these cause mental fatigue. When kids engage with the natural world it refreshes the brain.”
Being outdoors together bonds families
Work, school, sports, extracurricular activities, errands and appointments — these all cut into family time. One way to get everyone together is with a visit to a nature space. Whether it’s a hike, fishing, riding a bike or camping, family fun in nature has significant benefits.
“Initiating outdoor activities with kids has a trickling effect,” says Ulrich. “When parents model taking the kids on hikes or nature walks, or take them outdoors for family time, kids are more likely to want to do this as they get older. At the Forest Preserves we have programs for families and people of all ages so everyone can have a life-long relationship with nature.”
One way to get kids interested in the outdoors is by combining time outside with art or music. Ulrich suggests bringing the family to a Forest Preserves of Cook County event such as Nature Open Mic or Art Fair at Little Red Schoolhouse, the Bluegrass Jam at Thatcher Woods or Art in Nature at Crabtree Nature Center featuring art inspired by nature. “Creating great family memories in nature results in a strong family bond.”
Ulrich says that she never tires of seeing the positive effects that the Forest Preserves of Cook County have on visitors of all ages. “We nurture emotional well-being and self-discovery. Most of all, we offer a tranquil escape from your daily routine, surrounded by the natural beauty that the Forest Preserves of Cook County have to offer.”
For more information about classes, programs and events at Forest Preserves of Cook County visit the website. NOTE: While programs are free, they do require registration.