Should you get a real or fake Christmas tree?

Our first holiday quiz was just for funsies, but this week, we’re here to actually help you out. The issue at hand: real or fake? (Whoa! We’re talking Christmas trees.) Answer the questions, count how many As and Bs you have, and voilá: your Christmas tree fortune is revealed. Stay tuned next week for our third and final holiday quiz!

1. What’s your tree budget?

A) Not high—with all the spending on holiday travel and gifts, I don’t want to pony up for a tree.

B) Hey, it’s Christmas! I’m willing to spend a few extra bucks.

2. Do you own a vacuum cleaner? Ok, stupid question. Do-over: Are you willing to drag out the vacuum cleaner—and often?

A) Not so much. The holidays are chaotic enough without having to clean all the time.

B) Sure, why not? (It’s usually out anyway—I do have kids, after all.)

3. How do you feel about shopping for a tree?

A) It’s a hassle—cold, crowded and how do you tie that thing to your car?

B) It’s one of my favorite holiday traditions.

4. Do you enjoy decorating the tree?

A) Kind of, but it never turns out the way I want.


5. What are your thoughts on that fresh pine smell?

A) It’s nice, but not necessary. Scented candles work, too!

B) It’s a Christmastime must.

6. Is your daily schedule packed?

A) Yes—it’d be hard to fit in anything else.

B) No—I have some spare time.

7. How much storage space do you have?

A) Plenty!

B) Not a whole lot.

If you answered mostly As, your best bet is a fake tree.

Convenient and typically less expensive than real trees, a fake tree requires little to no upkeep. It looks just as good on the day you take it down as when you put it up, and of course, you won’t have to worry about finding time to clean up needles, water the tree and generally monitor its health. You might not get that fresh pine aroma, but you can choose a pre-lit or flocked tree that makes achieving your dream look much easier. Just be sure you have enough room to store the tree until next year.

If you answered mostly Bs, your best bet is a real tree.

For you, cleaning up needles and daily watering is a small price to pay for the can’t-be-beat authenticity of a real tree. You can make a family day out of finding the perfect tree, and you’ll also get to enjoy that wonderful smell all season long. Real trees are usually a bit more expensive than fake, but you won’t have to worry about finding storage space when the season ends.

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