Something incredible just happened. Today is a no school day and we don’t have anything planned besides going to the dry cleaner, getting haircuts and maybe a grocery store run.
The kids were initially playing quietly and creatively with Barbie and Mike from Monster’s University.
Of course, eventually they both wanted the same toy and could not come to an agreement. Frustrated, I looked around the room and saw piles of toys that hadn’t been touched in months, possibly even years.
Instead of holding back my screaming, I stood up and got a garbage bag and began going through those untouched Toy Story characters, Bat mobiles and dollar store crap. We made it a game and picked up each item and said “Keep” or “Save.”
The “Keep” items went into a mostly empty chest and we quickly filled up a garbage bag with lone Lego pieces, plastic figures and old art projects.
I felt lighter the more we got off the floor and into it’s designated space and the kids were having fun sorting old toys.
Suddenly, I noticed they were silently focused on new toys they discovered during this quick cleaning session and I quietly tip-toed out of the room holding a bag of garbage!
It is the small victories that sometimes feel the best!