Skip the store-bought candle for mom this year and make your own with love, affection and sweet scents. For half the price of those expensive store candles, these will remind mom of how special she really is every time she lights one.
- Use a double-boiler or a microwave-safe glass measuring cup to melt the soy flakes. For a 16-ounce jar, you’ll need four cups of soy flakes. When melted, the flakes melt to about half the amount in liquid form.
- Prepare your jar and candle wick. Either use a clothespin or pencil to have the metal base touch the bottom of the jar and wrap the extra length around the pencil or clothespin to rest along the top of the jar.
- Once the flakes are liquefied, carefully pour into each jar while making sure to keep the wick in place. Wax will be hot, so use caution or adult help.
- Add the lavender essential oils (or scent of your choice) to the melted wax. Use 20-30 drops and stir around gently. If desired, add a teaspoon of dried herbs or flowers to the melted wax.
- Let candles sit for 24 hours or until they fully set. Then remove clothespin or pencil and trim the top of the wick to just under an inch.
- Tie a ribbon and note around the mouth of the jar for mom. Or paint the jar to customize the candle for mom.
- Soy wax flakes
- Candle wick with metal base
- Lavender essential oil (or any scent you prefer)
- Glass jar
- Dried lavender buds or flowers (optional)
- Glass measuring cup or double broiler
- Clothespin or pencil