Get your kids involved in the Easter celebrations in a different way this year by trying one of these four ideas at home.
Peeps, the polarizing, sugary-marshmallow confections, are a staple in most homes come Easter. But other than wait for them to get stale, what do you do with the squishy birds? The term Peepshi was coined by good eats over a decade ago, and it is simply the art of using peeps to make dessert sushi. With three simple ingredients — Rice Krispies treats, Peeps and Fruit by the Foot — you can create an array of whimsical and tooth-achingly sweet treats.
I used to love making Jelly Belly jelly bean concoctions according to their recipe cards (2 Blueberry + 1 Buttered Popcorn = Blueberry Muffin). I am still in awe of how closely the flavors resemble their real-life counterparts — juicy pear beans truly taste like their namesake! A few years ago, my kids discovered Beanboozled — a line of horrific tasting jelly beans that are doppelgängers for traditional flavors. That green speckled bean that you thought was juicy pear? BOOGER! Pick up a pack and get grossed out together.
Messy Egg Smash Challenge
I always buy too many eggs and then they sit in my refrigerator, forgotten and expired. Yes, you can color those eggs in the traditional dip-dye Easter way — OR you can rise up to the TikTok Egg Smash Challenge with your kids.
All you need is an egg and a clear container to place over it. Place the egg on your countertop or table with the container upside down covering it. You then alternate smacking the bottom of the container with your hand, with the option to pick up the container. Eventually, you will get into a groove and when the container is picked up, the other person will inadvertently smash the egg. If you don’t want to use eggs, a dollop of whipped cream works as well!
Easter Obstacle Course
Instead of coloring eggs, color yourself. The Color Run is known as the Happiest 5K on Earth, an event that focuses more on health and happiness than competition. Create your own Easter Obstacle Course and invite friends to participate! Simply grab a white shirt and bunny ears, and order non-toxic “color run” or “holi color” powder. You can also order squeeze bottles to facilitate the powder throwing. Set up a series of obstacles — beams to balance on, laundry baskets to jump over, balloons to pop. Have parents along the course with powder, showering the participants as they complete obstacles.
By the end, you will look like a human Easter egg!
Cheryl Leahy is a savvy millennial mom of two who knows how to show her kids a good time — with a lot of style. Find out more about her at All Dressed Up … With Nothing to Drink.
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