Last year we experienced so much tragedy, pain and transformation.
Through the pandemic, lives and jobs were lost, families were forced to transition and our economy experienced much deficiency. Thus, through it all we overcame so much.
In September 2019, I found out that I was having my second child. I was elated through the entire experience and excited for the addition to my family. But, no one was able to warn me of the dreadful COVID-19.
Things I experienced
Usually during pregnancy you have at least three ultrasounds to check the baby’s overall health and positioning. Subsequently, I only had one. For the first four months, I experienced lightheadedness, dizziness, constant fatigue, blindness and extreme hyperemesis gravidarum. Consequently, I could not drive. I could not go to the store. I was bedridden, and most times could not even make it upstairs to my room. I could barely eat or keep anything down. I was slowly dying inside. There was also constant spitting and dehydration in the middle of the night with an overactive baby. I knew that my body was going through immense changes, but I was determined to get it back.
During doctor’s visits my husband could not come into the office and he had to wait in the waiting room. So, most times I would just attend appointments by myself. Then, I was told that only one person could be in the examining room or delivery room.
The day of the birth
This was the scariest moment of my life! On April 23, 2020, my husband and I awoke to get to the doctor’s for my 10 a.m. cesarean appointment. We were elated to meet our beautiful daughter.
When we arrived, we immediately signed our medical paperwork and walked into the room to prep. The IV was then inserted, I prepared for the birth of my daughter.
Real life moment: COVID-19 is beyond scary. Like knowing that I had to experience certain moments myself without my husband by side 100% of the time. Or seeing the medical team with their masks and shields on portraying a unit that was quarantined. I was terrified.
I looked to my husband, he played some meditation and relaxing chakra music and they proceeded to the examination room to give me my injection and prepare for the birth.
Twenty minutes later, my husband was in the room beside me and I was birthing our daughter, Atiya Efe Seymour-EL.
What I learned
Family is essential to your lifeline. Never try to experience certain moments alone when you have loved ones by your side. Never be scared to ask for help, these moments are meant to be shared. Always have your baby bag packed three months before, it saves so much time on your life and the way you maneuver the day of.
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