Whether you’re thinking about making the jump from one kid to two or simply want some reassurance that it’s all going to be OK, no one has your back like veteran mamas.
Here’s some great advice from the ones whose kids have been there, done that and have the ER stitches to prove it.
Everyone has an opinion. Ignore ‘em early and often.
“The hardest part about being a first-time mom was the general public. Not friends, not family, just the random lady in Target.”
“One school of thought doesn’t work for every child—even within families.”
“We think that what our babies are doing is an extension of us. It’s not.”
Let it go…let it go…
“Going from your first to your second child, you say ‘Oh, I know how to parent.’ Going from second to third, no one expects the level of parenting that you had with your first. She’s wearing socks? Great.”
“Your child will eventually get hurt whether you’re standing 10 inches or 10 feet away from them.”
The kids are all right
“I worry about always being emotionally present, but I’ve learned to say ‘What I have for you in this moment is enough.’”
“You’ll have a newborn and then see your toddler and think he’s a giant.”
“Nobody has the luxury of sleeping the way that your first kid does—and they’re all fine.”
Find your tribe
“I love being friends with people who have kids older than mine. It keeps things in perspective.”
“You’ve got to find your crew you can be honest with. You find the people you can roll with and admit what’s hard.”
“Figure out ways to do drop-offs and pick-ups; you don’t need to do it all on your own. It benefits kids to have a bigger community of people they trust.”
And as for those best-laid plans?
“No adult introduces themselves with their own birth story.”