Happy Holidays? Are you sure?? Because lately it seems like the holiday season ushers in more stress and anxiety than goodwill toward men, amirite?
But remember when it wasn’t that way? Remember when you would count down the days ’til Christmas with anticipation and not fear? Well, we are here to help reignite that spark.
Sign up for our email advent calendar and each day we will send you an email treat to help remind you just how magical the season is – and how to share that magic with your family. From event round ups to movie night recommendations, mindful moments to conversation starters, each day your inbox will offer something a little different.
Oh, and did we mention presents? It wouldn’t be Christmas without presents. You’ll have 4 chances throughout the month to win big prizes including tickets, gifts and an Amazon gift card for any last-minute shopping (or, better yet, to treat yourself. Santa needs a little gift too, ya know?)
The following prizes include: