Facebook Live
Chicago, IL
Celebrate the autism community’s commitment to creating a kinder, more inclusive world – and to being there for each other no matter what. Take Steps for Kindness – walk 5,400 steps in support of the 1 in 54 U.S. kids with autism, wherever you are and however you can. The festival begins with an interactive program on Facebook Live at noon with the sendoff at 12:20 p.m. To join: wear blue, tell your social community you’re stepping for kindness, chalk your sidewalk, post signs in your windows or yard, and share pictures of you and your family getting in on the fun! Participants will share photos and personal stories to foster a sense of closeness and community in our online world. Every participant in the event will contribute to our commitment to achieve 1 million acts of kindness in 2020.
Event Cost: Free.
Event Times: Noon.
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